Recent questions tagged geometry

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What is the measure of the radius of the circle that circumscribes a triangle whose sides measure $9, 40$ and $41$?$6$$4$$24.5$$20.5$
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In a triangle $\text{ABC}$, medians $\text{AD}$ and $\text{BE}$ are perpendicular to each other, and have lengths $12$ cm and $9$ cm, respectively. Then, the area of tria...
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Let $\text{ABC}$ be a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse $\text{BC}$ of length $20$ cm. If $\text{AP}$ is perpendicular on $\text{BC}$, then the maximum possible lengt...
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A chord of length $5$ cm subtends an angle of $60^\circ$ at the centre of a circle. The length, in cm, of a chord that subtends an angle of $120^\circ$ at the centre of t...
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A parallelogram $\text{ABCD}$ has area $48$ sqcm. If the length of $\text{CD}$ is $8$ cm and that of $\text{AD}$ is $s$ cm, then which one of the following is necessarily...
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From a rectangle $\text{ABCD}$ of area $768$ sq cm, a semicircular part with diameter $\text{AB}$ and area $72\pi$ sq cm is removed. The perimeter of the leftover portion...
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The area of a rectangle and the square of its perimeter are in the ratio $1:25$. Then the lengths of the shorter and longer sides of the rectangle are in the ratio$1:4$$2...
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In a circle, two parallel chords on the same side of a diameter have lengths $4$ cm and $6$ cm. If the distance between these chords is $1$ cm, then the radius of the cir...
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Let $\text{ABCD}$ be a rectangle inscribed in a circle of radius $13$ cm. Which one of the following pairs can represent, in cm, the possible length and breadth of $\text...
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$\text{ABCD}$ is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle with centre $\text{O}$. If $\angle \text{COD} =120$ degrees and $\angle \text{BAC} = 30$ degrees, then the value of...
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Let $\text{ABCDEF}$ be a regular hexagon with each side of length $1$ cm. The area (in sq cm) of a square with $\text{AC}$ as one side is $3\sqrt{2}$$3$$4$$\sqrt{3}$
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If three sides of a rectangular park have a total length $400$ ft, then the area of the park is maximum when the length (in ft) of its longer side is$299$$200$$201$$399$
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From a circular sheet of paper with a radius $20\:\text{cm}$, four circles of radius $5\:\text{cm}$ each are cut out. What is the ratio of the uncut to the cut portion?$1...
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If $\text{ABCD}$ is a square and $\text{BCE}$ is an equilateral triangle, what is the measure of $\angle \text{DEC}?$$15^{\circ}$$30^{\circ}$$20^{\circ}$$45^{\circ}$
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The figure shows a circle of diameter $\text{AB}$ and radius $6.5$ cm. If chord $\text{CA}$ is $5$ cm long, find the area of $\triangle \text{ABC}$ __________
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In $\triangle \text{ABC},\:\angle \text{B}$ is a right angle, $\text{AC} = 6$ cm, and $\text{D}$ is the mid-point of $\text{AC}$. The length of $\text{BD}$ is ___________...
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$\text{PQRS}$ is a square. $\text{SR}$ is a tangent (at point $\text{S})$ to the circle with centre $\text{O}$ and $\text{TR = OS}$. Then the ratio of area of the circle ...
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From a circular sheet of paper with a radius $20$ cm, four circles of radius $5$ each are cut out. What is the ratio of the uncut to the cut portion?$1: 3$$4: 1$$3: 1$$4:...
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In the figure above, $\text{AB = BC = CD = DE = EF = FG = GA}$. Then $\angle \text{DAE}$ is approximately $15^{\circ}$$20^{\circ}$$30^{\circ}$$25^{\circ}$