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1 answer
A quadratic function $ƒ(x)$ attains a maximum of $3$ at $x = 1$. The value of the function at $x = 0$ is $1$. What is the value $ƒ(x)$ at $x = 10$? $–119$ $–159$ $�...
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1 answer
Consider four-digit numbers for which the first two digits are equal and the last two digits are also equal. How many such numbers are perfect squares? $3$ $2$ $4$ $1$
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2 answers
Suppose you have a currency, named Rubble, in three denominations: $1$ Rubble, $10$ Rubbles and $50$ Rubbles. In how many ways can you pay a bill of $95$ Rubbles? $15$ $1...
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1 answer
Let $a_{n+1}= 2 a_{n}+1 ({n}=0, 1, 2,\dots)$ and $a_{0}=0$. Then $a_{10}$ nearest to.$1023$$2047$$4095$$8195$
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1 answer
John bought five toffees and ten chocolates together for forty rupees. Subsequently, he returned one toffee and got two chocolates in exchange. The price of an chocolate ...
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0 answers
A lead cuboid of $8$ inches in length, $11$ inches in breadth, and $2$ inches thick was melted and resolidified into the form of a rod of $8$ inches diameter. The length ...
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1 answer
A box contains $6$ red balls, $7$ green balls and $5$ blue balls. Each ball is of a different size. The probability that the red ball selected is the smallest red ball, i...
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0 answers
A five digit number is formed using digits $1, 3, 5, 7$ and $9$ without repeating any one of them. What is the sum of all such possible numbers? $6666600$ $6666660$ $6666...
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1 answer
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0 answers
From each of the two given numbers, half the smaller number is subtracted. Of the resulting numbers the larger one is three times as large as the smaller. What is the rat...
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1 answer
If $y = f(x)$ and $f(x) = (1 - x) / (1 + x)$, which of the following is true? $f(2x) = f(x) – 1$ $x = f(2y) - 1$ $f(1/x) = f(x)$ $x = f(y)$
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1 answer
A circle is inscribed in a given square and another circle is circumscribed about the square. What is the ratio of the area of the inscribed circle to that of the circums...