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0 answers
If $09/12/2001$ happens to be Sunday, then $09/12/1971$ would have been aWednesday TuesdaySaturday Thursday
0 votes
1 answer
$m$ is the smallest positive integer such that for any integer $n m,$ the quantity $n^3 – 7n^2 + 11n – 5$ is positive. What is the value of $m?$$4$$5$$8$None of thes...
0 votes
0 answers
$x$ and $y$ are real numbers satisfying the conditions $2 < x < 3$ and $–8 < y < –7.$ Which of the following expressions will have the least value?$x^2y$$xy^2$$5xy$No...
0 votes
1 answer
Anita had to do a multiplication. Instead of taking $35$ as one of the multipliers, she took $53.$ As a result, the product went up by $540.$ What is the new product?$105...
0 votes
0 answers
In the above diagram, $\text{ABCD}$ is a rectangle with $\text{AE = EF = FB}.$ What is the ratio of the area of the triangle $\text{CEF}$ and that of the rectangle?$\frac...
0 votes
2 answers
Of $128$ boxes of oranges, each box contains at least $120$ and at most $144$ oranges. The number of boxes containing the same number of oranges is at least$5$$103$$6$Can...
0 votes
1 answer
A red light flashes $3$ times per minute and a green light flashes $5$ times in two minutes at regular intervals. If both lights start flashing at the same time, how many...
0 votes
0 answers
If $x 5$ and $y < −1,$ then which of the following statements is true?$(x + 4y) 1$$x − 4y$$−4x < 5y$None of these
0 votes
1 answer
If x 5 and y < −1, then which of the following statements is true?(x + 4y) 1x − 4y−4x < 5yNone of these
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1 answer
Let $x, y$ and $z$ be distinct integers, $x$ and $y$ are odd and positive, and $z$ is even and positive. Which one of the following statements cannot be true?$(x − z)^2...
2 votes
1 answer
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0 answers
Each question is followed by two statements, I and II. Answer each question using the following instructions.Mark the answer asChoose $1$ if the question can be answered ...
0 votes
0 answers
Each question is followed by two statements, I and II. Answer each question using the following instructions.Mark the answer asChoose $1$ if the question can be answered ...