0 answers
0 votes
Consider a cylinder of height $h$ cms and radius $r=\frac{2}{\pi}$ cms as shown in the figure (not drawn to scale). A string of a certain length, when wound on its cylindrical ... $?$h=\sqrt{2}n$h=\sqrt{17}n$h=n$h=\sqrt{13}n$
1 answers
3 votes
A and B walk from X to Y, a distance of 27 km at 5 kmph and 7 kmph respectively. B reaches Y and immediately turns back meeting A at Z. What is the distance from X to Z?25 km 22.5 km 24 km 20 km
1 answers
2 votes
Four friends start from four towns, which are at the four corners of an imaginary rectangle. They meet at a point which falls inside the ... could have travelled is (approximately):67 metres52 metres22.5 metresCannot be determined
1 answers
2 votes
A man buys spirit at Rs. 60 per litre, adds water to it and then sells it at Rs. 75 per litre. What is the ratio of spirit to water if his profit in the deal is 37.5%?9 : 110 : 111 : 1None of these
1 answers
2 votes
What is the smallest number, which when increased by 5 is completely divisible by 8, 11 and 24?264 259269 None of these
1 answers
3 votes
Along a road lie an odd number of stones placed at intervals of 10 m. These stones have to be assembled around the middle stone. A person can carry only one ... , thereby covering a distance of 4.8 km. Then the number of stones is:35152931
1 answers
1 votes
It takes a pendulum of a clock 7 seconds to strike 4 o’clock. How much time will it take to strike 11 o’clock?18 seconds 20 seconds19.25 seconds 23.33 seconds
2 answers
1 votes
The fourth term of an arithmetic progression is 8. What is the sum of the first 7 terms of the arithmetic progression?76456cannot be determined
1 answers
2 votes
Shyam went from Delhi to Simla via Chandigarh by car. The distance from Delhi to Chandigarh is 3/4 times the distance from Chandigarh to Simla. The average speed ... speed from Chandigarh to Simla?39.2 kmph 63 kmph 42 kmph None of these
1 answers
2 votes
A water tank has three taps A, B, and C. A fills four buckets in 24 mm, B fills 8 buckets in 1 hour and C fills 2 buckets in 20 minutes. If ... 5 litres of water, what is the capacity of the tank?120 litres 240 litres180 litres 60 litres
1 answers
1 votes
Given that a > b, then the relation ma[md(a), mn(a, b)] = mn[a, md(ma(a, b))] does not hold if:a < 0, b < 0 a > 0, b > 0a > 0, b < 0, |a| < |b|a > 0, b < 0, |a| > |b|
1 answers
1 votes
If md(x) = |x|, mn(x, y) = minimum of x and y, andma(a, b, c,) = maximum of a, b, cThe value of ma[md(a), mn(md(b), a), mn(ab, md(ac))] where a = -2, b = -3, c = 4 is:268-2
3 answers
5 votes
If one root of $x^{2} + px + 12 = 0$ is $4$, while the equation $x^{2} + px + q = 0$ has equal roots, then the value of $q$ is:$49/4$4/49$4$\frac{1}{4}$
1 answers
1 votes
If the harmonic mean between two positive numbers is to their geometric mean as $12 : 13$, then the numbers could be in the ratio:$12: 13$ $1/12: 1/13$4:9$ $2:3$
1 answers
4 votes
If a + b + c = 0, where $a \neq b \neq c$, then what is the value of:$\frac{a^{2}}{2a^{2}+bc}+\frac{b^2}{2b^{2}+ac}+\frac{c^{2}}{2c^{2}+ab}$zero1-1abc
1 answers
2 votes
Choose the best alternative:A right circular cone of height h’ is cut by a plane parallel to the base and at a distance h/3 from the vertex, then the volumes of the resulting cone and frustum are in the ratio:1 : 38 : 191 : 41 : 7
1 answers
1 votes
Choose the best alternative:One man can do as much work in one day as a woman can do in 2 days A child does one-third the work in a day as a woman. If an ... the wages are proportional to the amount of work done?Rs. 14 Rs. 5Rs. 20 Rs. 7
1 answers
1 votes
Choose the best alternative:Two towns A and B are 100 km apart. A school is to be built for 100 students of Town B and 30 students of Town A. Expenditure on ... school should be built at:33 km from Town A33 km from town BTown A Town B
1 answers
3 votes
Choose the best alternativeA right circular cone, a right circular cylinder and a hemisphere, all have the same radius, and the heights of the cone and cylinder equal their ... are proportional, respectively to:1:3:1 2:1:33:2:1 1:2:3
1 answers
3 votes
Choose the best alternativeIf $\log_{7} \log_{5} (x+5x+x)=0$; find the value of $x$.102None of these
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1 votes
Ghoshbabu is staying at Ghosh Housing Society, Aghosh Colony, Dighoshpur, Calcutta. In Ghosh Housing Society 6 persons read daily Ganshakit and 4 read ... of persons in Aghosh Colony who read only one newspaper is:29193920
1 answers
1 votes
Ghoshbabu is staying at Ghosh Housing Society, Aghosh Colony, Dighoshpur, Calcutta. In Ghosh Housing Society 6 persons read daily Ganshakit and 4 read ... of persons in Aghosh Colony who read both these newspapers is:13201914
1 answers
2 votes
Ghoshbabu is staying at Ghosh Housing Society, Aghosh Colony, Dighoshpur, Calcutta. In Ghosh Housing Society 6 persons read daily Ganshakit and 4 read ... respectivelyNumber of persons in Dighoshpur who read only Ganashakti is:121 8379 127
1 answers
3 votes
The number of votes not cast for the Praja Party increased by 25% in the National General Elections over those not cast for it in the previous Assembly Polls, and ... Praja Party in the Assembly Elections?1,10,0001,50,0001,40,0001,20,000
1 answers
5 votes
Each question contains six statements followed by four sets of combinations of three. Choose the set in which the combinations are logically related.A. All bins are ... buckets.E. Some bins are baskets.F. No basket is a bin.BDEACBCDFABF
1 answers
4 votes
Each question contains six statements followed by four sets of combinations of three.Choose the set in which the combinations are logically related.A. ... All sky-scrapers are buildings.F. Some structures are not buildings.ACEBDFCDEACF
0 answers
2 votes
Each question contains six statements followed by four sets of combinations of threeChoose the set in which the combinations are logically related.A. All dolls are nice. ... nice.E. Some nice things are dolls.F. No doll is nice.CDECEFACDBEF
0 answers
2 votes
Each question contains six statements followed by four sets of combinations of three. Choose the set in which the combinations are logically related.A. No plane ... planes.E. Some planes are manesF. Some chains are not planes.ACDADFABCCDF
0 answers
2 votes
Each question contains six statements followed by four sets of combinations of three. Choose the set in which the combinations are logically related.A. Some abra ... dabra are abra.E. Some cabra are abraF. Some cabra are dabra.AEFBCFABDBCE
0 answers
2 votes
Each question contains six statements followed by four sets of combinations of three. Choose the set in which the combinations are logically related.A. No wires are ... wires.E. No hook is a spring.F. All wires are springs.AEFBCFBEFACE
1 answers
2 votes
Each question contains six statements followed by four sets of combinations of three. Choose the set in which the combinations are logically related.A. All falcons ... yellow.E. All birds are thirsty.F. All falcons are yellow.ABCCDFDEFBCA
0 answers
2 votes
Each question contains six statements followed by four sets of combinations of three. Choose the set in which the combinations are logically related.A. No spring ... .E. Some springs are not autumns.F. All springs are autumns.DFABEFCEBDEB
1 answers
3 votes
Each question contains six statements followed by four sets of combinations of three. Choose the set in which the combinations are logically related.A. All roses ... roses.E. All shrubs have nectar.F. Some roses have thorns.BEFBCFBDEACF
0 answers
2 votes
Each question contains six statements followed by four sets of combinations of three. Choose the set in which the combinations are logically related.A. All ... those who eat meat are carnivorous.F. Vegetarians are herbivorous.BCE ABEACD ACF
1 answers
3 votes
F: Fact: If it relates to a known matter of direct observation, or an existing reality or something known to be true,J: Judgment: If it ... form of a boom in the manufacturing sector output and turnover of all industries.FJIFFIFJIJIFJIFF
1 answers
2 votes
F: Fact: If it relates to a known matter of direct observation, or an existing reality or something known to be true,J: Judgment: ... electronic industry is still rising, because consumers are increasing at a rapid rate.IFJFFJIIFIJFJIFF
0 answers
2 votes
F: Fact: If it relates to a known matter of direct observation, or an existing reality or something known to be true,J: Judgment: If it is ... in general can be improved with a little effort on the art of individuals.FJIJJFIFFIFJIFFJ
0 answers
2 votes
F: Fact: If it relates to a known matter of direct observation, or an existing reality or something known to be true,J: Judgment: If it is an ... . There is only one way of adding purpose to this universe: Union with Him.JFIJFJJIFFIIJFJ
0 answers
2 votes
F: Fact: If it relates to a known matter of direct observation, or an existing reality or something known to be true,J: Judgment: If it is an ... . The least one can do is to try and subdue the bad qualities .FIJIJFFIJFIJJIFI
0 answers
2 votes
F: Fact: If it relates to a known matter of direct observation, or an existing reality or something known to be true,J: Judgment: If it ... us learn a lesson: we cannot make profits without complete control over credit.IIJF IJFIFJIFFJFI