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In each question, there are five sentences. Each sentence has a pair of words that are italicized and highlighted. From the italicized and highlighted words, select the most appropriate words (A or B) to form correct sentences. The sentences are followed by options that indicate the words, which may be selected to correctly complete the set of sentences. From the options given, choose the most appropriate one.

The further [A] further [B] he pushed himself, the more disillusioned he grew.

For the crowds it was more of a historical [A] /historic [B] event; for their leader, it was just another day.

The old man has a healthy distrust [A] /mistrust [B] for all new technology. This film is based on a real [A] /true [B] story.

One suspects that the complement [A] /complement [B] was backhanded.

  1. BABAB
  2. ABABA
  3. BAABA
  4. BBAAB
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