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Arrange the sentences A, B, C and D to form a logical sequence between sentences 1 and 2.

  1. According to recent research, the critical period for developing language skills is between the age of three and five years.
    1. The read-to child already has a large vocabulary and a sense of grammar and sentence
    2. Children who are read to in these years have a far better chance of reading well in school,
    3. And the reason is actually quite simple.
    4. This correlation is far and away the highest yet found between home influences and school
  2. Their comprehension of language is therefore very high.
    1. DACD
    2. ADCB
    3. ABCD
    4. BDCA

2 Answers

Best answer
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4 votes
I think the answer is BDCA. The "reason" mentioned in sentence C can be described by sentence A. The only option in which A immediately follows C is option BDCA.
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Option B


Since connection for 1st sentence could be given by option B and C is followed by A  

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