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Answer the following question based on the information given below:

The proportion of male students and the proportion of vegetarian student students in a school are given below. The school has total of $800$ students, $80\%$ of whom are in the Secondary Section and rest equally divided between Class $11$ and $12.$

  Male(M) Vegetarian (V)
Class $12$ $0.6$  
Class $11$ $0.55$ $0.5$
Secondary Section   $0.55$
Total $0.475$ $0.53$

In the Secondary Section, $50\%$ of the students are vegetarian males . Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. Except vegetarian males, all other groups have same number of students.
  2. Except non-vegetarian males, all other groups have same number of students.
  3. Except vegetarian females, all other groups have same number of students.
  4. Except non-vegetarian females, all other groups have same number of students.
  5. All of the above groups have same number of students.
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