Recent questions tagged quantitative-aptitude

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The questions are based on the following information.In $1974$, agricultural loans formed what percent of the total loans?$88$%$71$%$77$%Cannot be determined
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These questions are based on the following graph.Referring to the above question, in which year was the per capita consumption of this nutrient the highest?19931994199519...
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These questions are based on the following graph.In which year was the difference between the increase in the production of food grains and milk the maximum?1993199419951...
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These questions are based on the following graph.When was the per capita production of food grains the most?1992199319941995
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These questions are based on the following graph.When was the per capita production of milk the least?1990199219941996
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Answer these questions with the help of the following table.Note: Date of start of all projects is $1997$.Which of the following had the least cost per room?LokhandwalaRa...
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In the adjoining figure, points $A, B, C$ and $D$ lie on the circle. $AD = 24$ and $BC =12$. What is the ratio of the area of the triangle $CBE$ to that of the triangle $...
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In a rectangle, the difference between the sum of the adjacent sides and the diagonal is half the length of the longer side. What is the ratio of the shorter to the longe...
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$ABC$ is a three-digit number in which $A>O$. The value of $ABC$ is equal to the sum of the factorials of its three digits. What is the value of $B$?$9$$7$ $4$ $2$
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P, Q and R are three consecutive odd numbers in ascending order. If the value of three times P is three less than two times R, find the value of R.$5$$7$$9$$11$
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AB is the diameter of the given circle, while points C and D lie on the circumference as shown. If AB is $15$ cm, AC is $12$ cm and BD is $9$ cm, find the area of the qua...