4 votes
4 votes
  • The fair of half tickets between two railway station is 3/4 of Full ticket.
  • Cost of one reserved full ticket is 400.
  • cost of one reserved full and 2 half ticket is 1050
  • cost of reservation charge on full and half tickets are same

Answer : 100

How is this possible ?


1 Answer

1 votes
1 votes
Let x be the reservation charge and h be the cost of half ticket.

From condition 2:

cost of total full ticket = cost of full ticket  + cost of reservation

400 = cost of full ticket + x


cost of full ticket = 400  – x


From condition 1:

cost of half ticket = ¾ * cost of full ticket

                           = ¾ *(400 - x)

cost of total half ticket : ¾ *(400 - x)  + x


From condition 3:

Cost of total full ticket + 2*cost of total half ticket = 1050

400 + 2* (¾ *(400 - x)  + x) = 1050

2* (¾ *(400 - x)  + x) = 650

¾ *(400 - x)  + x = 325

1200 -3x + 4x = 1300

x = 100

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