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Market shares in four Metropolitan cities.

Period/ Products Bombay 1993-94 Calcutta 1993-94 Delhi 1993-94 Madras 1993-94
HD 20-15 35-30 20-15 20-30
CO 20-25 30-15 15-10 20-15
BN 45-40 25-35 35-35


MT 15-20 10-20 10-10 50-45

The market shares of which products did not decrease between 1993-94 in any city?

  1. HD 
  2. CO
  3. BN 
  4. None of these
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1 Answer

Best answer
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1.    If we take the product $HD$, we can see that the market share of $HD$ has been fallen in Bombay, Calcutta & Delhi between $93-94$.

       So, the $1^{st}$ option is wrong.

2.    If we take the product $CO$, the market share of product $CO$ is decreased in Calcutta, Delhi & Madras.

      So, the $2^{nd}$ option also didn't satisfy the criteria.

3.    Now, the product $BN$, $BN's$ market share also been decreased in Bombay in 93-94.

So, all the three options are rejected.

The answer will be $\color{green}{\text{Option D)}}$ $\color{red}{\text{None of these}}$
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