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Sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the four given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

  1. Since then, intelligence tests have been mostly used to separate dull children in school from average or bright children, so that special education can be provided to the dull.
  2. In other words, intelligence tests give us a norm for each age.
  3. Intelligence is expressed as intelligence quotient, and tests are developed to indicate what an average child of a certain age can do .... What a five-year-old can answer, but a four-year-old cannot, for instance.
  4. Binet developed the first set of such tests in the early 1900s to find out which children in school needed special attention.
  5. Intelligence can be measured by tests.
    1. CDABE
    2. DECAB
    3. EDACB
    4. CBADE

3 Answers

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As per me Option B DECAB

since we can't start sentence with Option A B E because A starts with Since , B starts with Inother words

and E means about measuring of intelligence without any explaination or details of intelligence

we can't end with E as Options A B D are describing about Intelligence tests  so we can't say that intelligence is measured by tests at the end

So rest i'm with option B

Please Correct me if I'm wrong



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Option A has a bigger clue - "Since then" - which means the previous sentence should de talking about some incident or time period and the only possible sentence here is D. So, "DA" should be together. Only possible answers are 1 and 3. Out of these 3 is the better one as each sentence logically follows the previous.
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