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Read the following directions carefully and answer the questions and mark as follows:

Radha and Rani appeared in an examination. What was the total number of questions?

  1. Radha & Rani together solved $20$% of the paper.
  2. Radha alone solved $3/5$th of the paper solved by Rani.


  1. If any one of the statements alone is sufficient to answer the question.
  2. If both statements individually are sufficient to answer the question.
  3. If both statements together are required to answer the question.
  4. If both statements are not sufficient to answer the question.
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1 Answer

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Radha+Rani solved 20% of the paper=$\frac{1}{5}$ of the paper.

And Rani solved x portion, Radha solved $\frac{3}{5}x$

But until and unless we can form some equation , we cannot solve his question

So, ans is D)

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